
Services Overview

We specialize in managing the whole outsourcing process in China. We can help you from the very beginning of analysis to implementation, evaluation and supplier management of your outsourcing projects in China as illustrated as below.

Services Overview3

 Analysis: We work with you to find out which processes of your production lines and which components have the possibility of being outsourced to China.

-Implementation: According to our agreed plan, we carry out this implementation process from locating the right suppliers, assisting factory visits, negotiation of the contract to sampling and try orders.

-Evaluation: We constantly evaluate what we have planned, what we have achieved and what should be re-considered.

-Supplier Management: This involves quality assurance, purchase order processing, price negotiation, consolidating/central warehousing, logistics, export, etc.

At the same time, we are happy to assist you with one or a few processes of your outsourcing projects in China.

As the business environment changes rapidly in China so do the Chinese suppliers. We are in daily contact with Chinese suppliers to ensure we have the most up to date market information for our clients.


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